Snow goose storm

   March 16, 2022

   Mucklands, Savannah, New York

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While looking through a flock of thousands of snow geese massing up for their migration north for a tundra bean goose I was struck by the enormous amount of birds. I am so amazed that they don't just slam into each other. At one point the marsh became absolutely dead silent and we al looked around and wondered out loud what is going on? Then in a cacophony the snow geese rose in the air circling and re massing at a different spot. The culprit a lone bald eagle flying over the group. It is truly a spectacle we are lucky to observe here in Central New York.

  Show me the Facts

The snow goose is a species of goose native to North America. Both white and dark morphs exist, the latter often known as blue goose. Its name derives from the typically white plumage. The species was previously placed in the genus Chen, but is now typically included in the "gray goose" genus Anser. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Chen caerulescens
Order: Anseriformes
Wingspan: 59 inches
Family: Anatidae
Phylum: Chordata
Kingdom: Animalia

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